Leto Update: Oct 24

Team trip to Filecoin Vegas, Using the Leto Gateway, Identifying Malware on IPFS, and More!


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Leto Update: Oct 24

๐ŸŒ Filecoin Vegas

The Leto team attended the Filecoin Las Vegas conference and the Piknik Enterprise Storage Provider Accelerator (ESPA) Program this month. Connecting with ecosystem storage providers/operators was crucial for better understanding how to onboard more data and enhance its protection and management within the network.

A huge thanks to ESPA and the Filecoin Foundation for an outstanding event!

๐Ÿš… Gateway Racing

To use Leto, simply serve content to end users with the Leto IPFS gateway. The gateway will collect analytics on your webpage or other IPFS content.

To provide resilience and high performance, the Leto gateway redirects requests to the w3link, dweb.link, and ipfs.io gateways. This is called gateway racing. IPFS data is cryptographically verified, so Leto can ask many different IPFS gateways for the same content.

Thank you to our friends at Web3.storage for help with this!

View the analytics in the Leto dashboard or with the Leto Analytics API. The data is anonymized and aggregated by IPFS CID to ensure end-user privacy.

Leto IPFS gateway address:


โš’๏ธ Bring your IPFS gateway!

In many cases, developers use a dedicated gateway from a hosting provider to serve IPFS content. Leto makes it easy to bring your gateway with you to collect analytics!

With the Leto, devs can login and input a gateway link from another provider (Lighthouse.storage, Spheron, Filebase, Pinata, and more). Leto will provide a link for a new gateway built on top of your original gateway. Use this Leto IPFS gateway to serve content to end users.

๐ŸŽญ Identifying malware on IPFS

Platforms and developers in the IPFS world struggle with malicious users hosting malware on their systems. To solve this problem, our lead developer, Logan made a tool to automate the identification of malware on IPFS content.

Input a list of IPFS CIDs into the Large Field Data Analyzer and receive a malware status report. Find the project here on Github! This tool was inspired by the IPFS object analyzer.

๐Ÿ“™ Leto examples

Check out easy ways to start collecting anonymous analytics with Leto. Here are some examples to quickly get started using the Leto Gateway and Analytics API!

๐Ÿ’ฌ Come talk with us!

Interested to learn more? Check out more blog posts and the Leto docs.

Contact us at or follow on X/Twitter@LetoDev
