The team at Leto is rolling out our privacy-preserving analytics solution for IPFS and Filecoin data. Like any community-driven project, it’s important to share how we got here!
Seeing IPFS and Filecoin’s growth over the past few years has been incredible! The idea of making the world's internet more interplanetary is becoming more of a reality every day. After running apps in the IPFS/Filecoin ecosystem and hearing how other developers implement analytics into their apps, we learned a lot of developers wanted an analytics alternative that was privacy-focused. We crazily decided to work on the problem ourselves.
Luckily, by attending IPFS Camp 2022 in Lisbon, we were able to sort out the easiest and safest ways to go about getting our analytics data. Since most apps and developers are using the IPFS Gateways to get data to users, it is feasible for developers to switch their gateway to us. They can get the analytics needed to determine what parts of their NFT collection are more desirable or how many people have viewed their website hosted on IPFS.
We are full steam ahead towards a decentralized version of our analytics api and will have a blog post about it in the near future! (Hold us to it!). All of our code and software is all open source on Github here.
Thank you to our first users and everyone who has given us advice and help throughout the past months!
Follow us on Twitter @LetoDev
Read more about IPFS, Filecoin and the Protocol Labs ecosystem here.